our pastors & Staff:

" Our hope is to introduce every person we meet, talk to, or spend time with, to the deep and unending love and relationship with Jesus" We are Andrea and Joe Franco, Lead Pastors of Family Worship Center . Together we are a group of imperfect people seeking to know and love Jesus more.We are committed to doing what we can to help you know and experience the love of Jesus " The Best Is Yet To Come"
Joe Franco
Lead Pastor
Andrea Franco
Worship Director / Office Administrator
"We love Children" at Family Worship Center our children are never BORED!!! We strive to create a Jesus-centered, child focused, safe and secure environment that allows our children put down deep roots of physical security, emotion self identity and spiritual grounding all while having fun!

Joshua Calandrino
Children's Director

Joey Franco
Youth Pastor

Board Members:
Billy Smith Richard Casey
Kevin Trafton Tim Beiersdorf
Paul Hatton Andy Matus
Richard Acuna Jonathon Hoard
Our youth ministry is dedicated to empowering students in their faith and encouraging them to step boldly into their lives as followers of Christ. In a world filled with challenges and suffering, we aim to equip them with biblical skills to overcome trials and make a positive impact at school. Each sermon is guided by God’s wisdom, fostering growth and developing lasting habits that will influences others around. Together, we believe God will work profoundly in their lives, igniting a passion for their faith that shines brightly in the darkness.

Rebekah Beiersdorf

Louise Curtiss
Girls Ministry &
Street Tram Ministry Leader

Kevin and DD Trafton
Associate Pastor

Donna Yarbrough
Kylee Manley
Coffee Connection Leader
Coffee Connection

Julianne Matus
Radiant Women
Life Group Leader